Our Mission

Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas exists to ensure competitive solutions FOR EMPLOYERS through quality people and FOR PEOPLE through quality jobs.

Our Values

Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas is recognized locally and nationally as a best-in-class workforce system that engages employers and offers customized solutions for a qualified workforce; provides job seekers comprehensive solutions to employment; convenes a community workforce dialogue critical to economic development; and is recognized as the responsive and effective solution of choice.

Our Mission

Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas exists to ensure competitive solutions FOR EMPLOYERS through quality people and FOR PEOPLE through quality jobs.

Our Values

Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas is recognized locally and nationally as a best-in-class workforce system that engages employers and offers customized solutions for a qualified workforce; provides job seekers comprehensive solutions to employment; convenes a community workforce dialogue critical to economic development; and is recognized as the responsive and effective solution of choice.

A bustling job fair inside a large hall with a prominent golden star emblem on the wall in the background. Multiple attendees engage with recruiters at various booths lined with promotional materials and informational pamphlets. In the foreground, a man in a white shirt interacts with a woman in a plaid blazer holding documents, while a man beside her checks his phone. The event appears lively, with numerous conversations and exchanges taking place.

Understanding the challenges of modern workforce requirements, WFSDallas promotes nontraditional training methods such as e-learning and flexible scheduling to facilitate skill enhancement while balancing work-life commitments.

About Us:

At Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas (WFSDallas), we are dedicated to strengthening our community through comprehensive workforce development initiatives. As a major driving force in the economic landscape of Dallas County, our mission is to create synergies between employers and job seekers, offering tailored solutions that spur economic growth and enhance the quality of life in our region.

WFSDallas operates as a pivotal, quasi-governmental non-profit organization, strategically positioned to bridge the gap between talent and opportunity.

With an annual budget exceeding $180 million, we are committed to investing in innovative workforce strategies that encompass job training, placement, and retention. Our approach not only meets the immediate needs of employers and job seekers but also supports broader economic development objectives.

Funded by a mix of federal grants and contributions from both governmental and private entities, our organization collaborates with numerous prestigious partners. These include the Texas Workforce Commission, U.S. Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Agriculture, and Education, as well as philanthropic support from the Walmart Foundation, Schultz Family Foundation, Starbucks Foundation, and AARP Foundation. This diverse funding base allows us to offer all-in-one resources to our clients at no cost, ensuring access to jobs, better jobs, and a skilled workforce.

Understanding the challenges of modern workforce requirements, WFSDallas promotes nontraditional training methods such as e-learning and flexible scheduling to facilitate skill enhancement while balancing work-life commitments. Recognizing that quality child care is critical for working parents, we prioritize access to dependable and affordable child care services, seeing it as foundational to fostering a robust, productive workforce in the Dallas area.

By providing customized workforce solutions, WFSDallas not only enhances individual career prospects but also powers the economic engine of the Greater Dallas Area. We are proud to be at the forefront of workforce innovation, delivering effective solutions that meet the evolving needs of our community.