At Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas, we are committed to fostering a robust local economy by equipping Dallas County employers with a highly skilled and well-trained workforce. Our ongoing efforts include the meticulous development and regular updates of the Target Occupations List. This strategic tool is designed to pinpoint high-demand areas vital for regional economic stability and growth.

Understanding the Target Occupations List

The Target Occupations List is crafted through a thorough analysis of labor market data, economic indicators, and invaluable local insights. It serves to highlight the most rapidly expanding occupations in Dallas County and outlines the corresponding training opportunities available through Workforce Solutions. This proactive approach ensures our training programs continuously align with the evolving needs of the Dallas workforce.

A diverse group of six people are seated in a modern office waiting area, each holding papers or a folder, suggesting they are preparing for a job interview or a meeting. The individuals, who vary in age, gender, and ethnicity, appear focused and contemplative, some reading their documents while others engage in conversation. The setting is professional, with large windows, desks, and office plants in the background, creating a bright and airy atmosphere.

Categories of Target Occupations and Industries

In-Demand Industries:

Identified through an extensive evaluation of regional labor market trends, these industries are pivotal to the economic health of Dallas County.

In-Demand Occupations:

These roles have been recognized for their high demand within the local market.

Targeted Occupations:

Characterized by their growth potential, these occupations are emerging as critical components of our local economy. They offer pathways to high-skill and high-wage employment opportunities.

Interactive Occupation Profiles

Each occupation on our list is accompanied by a detailed profile, which includes essential labor market information such as average wages, projected job openings, and a career ladder infographic. These profiles provide a visual and interactive representation of career progression opportunities, from entry-level positions to experienced roles.

Guiding Workforce Development Investment

The targeted lists are instrumental in directing the allocation of workforce program funds towards training that meets the most pressing needs of our regional economy. By focusing on these strategic areas, we can ensure that our investments yield substantial returns in workforce readiness and economic development.

Eligibility for Training Funds

Please note that Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) training funds are specifically allocated to individuals seeking full-time employment in occupations listed on the Board’s Target Occupations List. This funding supports our community members in gaining the skills necessary for sustainable and self-sufficient employment in critical sectors.

Maximizing Your Career Development

If securing employment in our region is your ultimate objective, this list will be a valuable resource in narrowing down your career development efforts. Focus on the occupations expected to experience the most significant increases in job availability and wage potential to optimize your career trajectory.