At Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas (WFSDallas), we value our relationships with vendors and partners who are interested in contributing to our mission. As a nonprofit and quasi-governmental entity, we adhere strictly to established procurement methods to ensure fairness, transparency, and efficiency in all our business dealings.
Full and Open Competition
All procurement activities at WFSDallas are conducted under the guidelines of full and open competition, consistent with the Federal Uniform Administrative Requirements, and the Texas Workforce Commission Financial Manual for Grants and Contracts (FMGC). This ensures that all potential vendors have an equal opportunity to participate in our procurement processes.
Procurement for Vendor Services Request for Quotations
Procurement for Other
Vendor Services
Procurement for Executive Search Firm
RFQ for Executive Search Firm (Extended unitl Friday, 2/21/2025 at 12:00 p.m. CST. Please send proposals to: )
Methods of Procurement
Micro-Purchases (Up to $10,000)
For purchases below the $10,000 threshold, WFSDallas employs the Micro Purchase method. This allows for the expedited procurement of smaller-scale goods and services without the need for competitive quotations, provided the prices are considered reasonable. We strictly adhere to the micro-purchase thresholds as outlined in the TWC’s FMGC, ensuring all purchases are necessary, reasonable, and allocable to our programs.
Small Purchase Method (Up to $250,000)
When purchase requirements exceed the micro-purchase limit but do not surpass $250,000 annually, the Small Purchase method is used. This method involves soliciting competitive bids that meet our specified goods or services requirements. We obtain bids or pricing from at least two qualified sources to ensure competitive pricing and transparency. This process is typically used for straightforward purchases where specifications are clear and the primary factor is price, facilitating quick and efficient procurement.
Competitive Negotiation Method ($250,000 +)
For larger-scale purchases exceeding $250,000, the Competitive Negotiation method is essential. This approach goes beyond price to consider various factors that contribute to the overall value, such as quality, provider experience, service effectiveness, program design, and ability to meet performance metrics. This method is crucial for ensuring that we engage with partners who can best meet the complex needs of our programs and services, potentially leading to long-term collaborations.

Interested in Partnering with Us?
If you are keen on doing business with WFSDallas but find there are no open calls for procurement, we welcome you to send a summary of your proposal to We are always eager to explore new ideas and opportunities that align with our mission and contribute to the workforce development in the Greater Dallas area.
Thank you for your interest in partnering with Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas. We look forward to exploring potential collaborations that help us fulfill our commitment to empowering our community through innovative workforce solutions.